Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group
A research organisation working with clinical trials for progression of the prostate cancer care.
Our clinical studies
Read about our projects
In the first two decades of the new millennium there has been a increasing understanding of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. The results of the SPCG-trials will be presented at this homepage with the goal to give you a good overview of the ongoing studies and updated information of the results.
Two randomized clinical trials are stil including patients. The SPCG-15 study is randomizing locally advanced prostate cancer to either radiotherapy or surgery. The second trial including patients is the SPCG-17 randomized trial of active surveillance including one arm with standardized triggers for curative treatment versus a control arm with clinical practice. The SPCG-14 stoped inclusion 2018 and the first results are analyzed.
See trialsFinished
Finished SPCG-trials include for example randomization between surgery and watchful waiting (SPCG-4), the addition of radiotherapy to androgen deprivation therapy in locally advance prostate cancer (SPCG-7), adjuvant docetaxel in addition to surgery (SPCG-12) and radiotherapy (SPCG-13) respectively. Pleas find more about all the trials at our homepage.
See trialsPublications
Trial summaries
85 publications in total
Here you find the updated publications from the SPCG-trials
Time without PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy as a predictor of future biochemical recurrence, metastatic disease and prostate cancer death: a prospective Scandinavian cohort study
Mats Steinholtz Ahlberg , Hans Garmo , Hans-Olov Adami , Ove Andrén , Jan-Erik Johansson , Gunnar Steineck , Lars Holmberg , Anna Bill-Axelson
BMJ Open
SPCG-4Effect of docetaxel added to bicalutamide in Hormone-Naïve non-metastatic prostate cancer with rising PSA, a randomized clinical trial (SPCG-14)
Andreas Josefsson, Åsa Jellvert, Erik Holmberg, Klaus Brasso, Peter Meidahl Petersen, Sirpa Aaltomaa, Marjaana Luukkaa, Paul Verhagen, Ronald de Wit, Göran Ahlgren, Ove Andrén, Enrique Castellanos, Mihalj Seke, Anders Widmark, Jan-Erik Damber & the SPCG14-investigators
ACTA ONCOLOGICA 2023, VOL. 62, NO. 4, 372–380
SPCG-14 (SPCG-14 PSA-ERECT M0)Health-related Quality of Life in Intermediate- or High-risk Patients Treated With Radical External Radiotherapy and Adjuvant Docetaxel for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Randomized, Phase III SPCG-13 Study
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 42: 87-92 (2022)
SPCG-13Health-related Quality of Life in Intermediate- or High-risk Patients Treated With Radical External Radiotherapy and Adjuvant Docetaxel for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Randomized, Phase III SPCG-13 Study
Lehtonen M, Sormunen J, Hjälm-Eriksson M, Thellenberg-Karlsson C, Huttunen T, Ginman C, Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL; Investigators of the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group Study No 13.
Anticancer Res. 2022 Jan
SPCG-13Second Cancers in Patients With Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer Randomized to Lifelong Endocrine Treatment With or Without Radical Radiation Therapy: Long-Term Follow-up of the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-7 Trial
Bjørg Y Aksnessæther, Tor Åge Myklebust, Arne Solberg, Olbjørn H Klepp, Eva Skovlund, Solveig Roth Hoff, Sophie D Fosså, Anders Widmark, Jo-Åsmund Lund
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys

To help you in your daily work, the SPCG welcomes you to our website for further information. You may find important news from the SPCG, updated results of our protocols, abstracts from meetings, information about forthcoming meetings and published clinical research. Important links to other pages related to prostate cancer are included. We hope you will find these pages useful and informative.